Meta ads library scraper

Scrape the Meta ad library to find out if your competition is running ads. No limitations on the number of scraped ads.

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What is the Meta ad scraper doing?

We're scraping the Meta ad library based on the domain you're sending us. If they are running ads we can find them and send you all the details.
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See every Meta ad details

We provide a wide range of information regarding every scraped Meta ad, from the body of the ad, to the title, URLs to images/videos and the CTA used.

How many Meta ads can you scrape?

If the domain you sent is running we're going to find it. There are no limitation on how many Meta ads we can scrape.

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Simple, transparent pricing

Start with 50 free credits so you can test the product. No cc required.



$49 one time

$0.0098 per credit.
Credits do not expire.

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$198 one time

$0.00794 per credit.
Credits do not expire.

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See Every Ad For Every Company

Start tracking ads across Facebook, LinkedIn, Google, and more today.

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